Looking to gain more visibility for your treatment center or doctor’s office?
Let MedicallyAssisted.com help you by claiming your featured listing.
Claiming A Featured Listing Will Allow You To Add:
- A featured image to your listing
- A featured tagline
- A customizable “about us” section explaining what your practice or center offers
- Embeddable Yelp reviews
- A gallery, with up to 5 images
- Highlight up to 5 of your staff members with pictures, titles and descriptions for each
- Up to 5 testimonials
- What insurance providers you work with
- What licenses/certifications your facility or practice has
- More visibility- your listing will appeal with a thumbnail of your featured image in its respective state and city page above the other listings.
So How Do I Sign Up & How Much Does It Cost?
In order to claim your listing, please register and follow the steps to build your listing. The price for each sponsored listing is $50 a month for doctor’s offices and $100 a month for treatment centers.
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