If you are seeking medically assisted drug and alcohol addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, the MedicallyAssisted.com hotline is a confidential and convenient solution.

Calls to any general hotline (non-facility) are sponsored and will be answered by Recovery Advisors

If you wish to contact a specific medical detox center then please user our Vivitrol, Suboxone or Medically Assisted Treatment finder here.


What does MedicallyAssisted.com do?

MedicallyAssisted.com is an educational resource and treatment referral service that helps people suffering from drug or alcohol addiction get into a medically assisted treatment center that fits them best. Our ultimate goal is to provide hope to those suffering from addiction and provide them with an avenue for help. Our staff and representatives have all been affected by addiction and know first hand what it takes to find recovery. Our addiction specialists will answer any and all questions that they can. Whether you are just looking for some advice on how to approach a loved one or if you are trying to get immediate help with finding a treatment center, we are here, 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I tell if someone is using drugs?

There are many different warning signs of substance abuse. Behavioral changes are often the most obvious. People who are using substances will often have mood wings, short tempers, or act in a suspicious manner. They may begin to manipulate those close to them and always seem to be in a financial crisis. They will begin to isolate, ignore phone calls, and even go missing. Physical signs may be weight loss, blood shot eyes, sores on the skin, or dark bags under the eyes. Many people abusing substances will also avoid eye contact.

Who answers the phone when I call MedicallyAssisted.com?

Calls to our general hotline are answered by our sponsors. Our sponsors are treatment center referral services and/or reputable treatment centers. To find out exactly who is answering the calls, please click on the question mark located next to the phone number.

What types of addiction treatment centers does MedicallyAssisted.com work with?

MedicallyAssisted.com specifically assists people in finding medically assisted treatment. Medically assisted treatment, or MAT, is the best proven method of addiction treatment. We work with nationally accredited programs and many of our programs offer dual diagnosis services. This means many MAT programs can also address underlying mental health conditions, like trauma, depression, and anxiety. All of our facilities offer comprehensive treatment from award winning staff members all based on a treatment plan that is unique to each patient’s individual needs.

Where are you rehabilitation centers located?

We are partnered with treatment centers throughout the country. We can help anyone and everyone located in the United States.

Are you a free service?

YES! MedicallyAssisted.com staff are standing by 24 hours a day to answer our toll free hotline. We can help you find an MAT program that is convenient and affordable for you at no charge.

How much does MAT cost?

MAT costs very client to client depending on the treatment center, the treatment needed, and the insurance policy of the client. Our ultimate goal is to find the best MAT program possible and get the patient in at little to no out of pocket costs to them. Most health insurance plans cover the costs of MAT.

When is a good time to get help?

NOW. It is never too late to turn your life around. We are here 24/7 to help you start your path to recovery.

What if I’m afraid of withdrawal?

One of the best qualities of MAT is the prevention of serious withdrawal. MAT uses medications to prevent withdrawal. Medications are tapered over a long period of time and individual is gradually transitioned into complete sobriety.

What if I have been to treatment before?

That doesn’t matter. Not everyone stays sober from their first try. MAT is also the most effective form of treatment, so it is most certainly worth giving it another shot. If you are unsure, call us today to talk to an experienced professional about MAT and how it can work for you.

What if I’m already on Buprenorphine (Suboxone) or Methadone?

That’s ok. MAT will likely use these medications as well. MAT can help you manage your medications and taper off of them over time.

What if I have a serious physical or mental health disability?

Not a problem. We can help all people find the help they need and deserve. MAT programs have specialities that can likely specifically help you. Many MAT programs treat dual diagnosis patients. MAT programs can help treat bipolar, schizophrenia, major depression, and anxiety disorders.

Is there after care?

MAT is designed to be comprehensive, treating the entire rehabilitation process. MAT will start very intensive, leading all the way through complete sobriety. MAT will often take months and ends when therapists determine a patient is rehabilitated.

Do I have to go to AA?

Our treatment specialists can help you find the most effective treatment that makes you most comfortable. Though AA is popular, there are many different routes and styles of addiction treatment. MAT does not require people to attend AA if they don’t want to.

Will my family and friends be allowed to visit an inpatient facility?

Yes. Most inpatient treatment centers allow visitors. MAT also has many outpatient services, so you don't have to be separated from family.

Are inpatient centers gender specific?

Many inpatient treatment centers either are gender specific or separate clients based on gender. It all depends on each treatment center and their specific philosophy.

Are there programs specialized for those in the LGBTQ community?

Yes there are! There are treatment centers that specialize or offer specialized treatment for those that are part of the LGBTQ community or those who are struggling with their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This is a common specialization because many people who struggle with their sexual or gender identity have substance use disorders.

Can I smoke in inpatient treatment?

This all depends on each center. Most facilities do allow patients to have smoke breaks. Treatment centers usually offer groups and support for smoking cessation if that is desired. Nicotine patches and gum can also be provided.

What will I eat in inpatient rehab?

This depends on each center. Some facilities have cafeterias with buffets, some have chefs, and some rely on patients to cook for themselves. If this is important to you, ask our representatives about the options at each center.

Will I be sitting around all day? Is rehab boring?

Inpatient and outpatient treatment is often very compact with therapy groups and activities. Many treatment centers have little downtime. Some treatment centers even have field trips to introduce fun in sobriety.

What about work? I don’t want to get fired.

The FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act) allows for a short term disability leave from work up to 90 days. Patients will be able to get help and go back to the job they worked so hard to achieve, all while maintaining their privacy. MAT is also longer than traditional rehab and is mostly outpatient based, meaning that the patient can live their normal day-to-day life all while receiving the care they need.

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The information provided by MedicallyAssisted.com is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The views and opinions expressed on MedicallyAssisted.com should not be a substitute for medical advice by a licensed physician, doctor or auhoritative agency. MedicallyAssisted.com's sole purpose is to provide a centralized database of information allowing those looking for help to find it. For more information please contact us by email.

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