New Focus Addiction and Behavioral Health
4.99 miles from the center of Lawrenceville, GAAbout New Focus Addiction and Behavioral Health
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Primary Focus of the Treatment Center
Dual Diagnosis Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Type of Treatment
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Drug & Alcohol Detoxification Program
Offers Buprenorphine maintenance
Relapse prevention with the use of naltrxone
Offers Buprenorphine used in treatment
Oral form of Naltrexone
Provides Injectable Naltrexone (Vivitrol)
Provides the use of methadone or buprenorphine for pain management or emergency dosing
Buprenorphine and/or naltrexone offered
Addiction Treatment Approaches
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Dialectical behavioral therapy
Addiction treatment counseling therapy
Trauma-related counseling
Contingency management/motivational incentive
Counseling for anger management
Relapse prevention planning
Treatment Facility Smoking Policy
Smoking is allowed in certain areas
Treatment Service Setting
Outpatient addiction treatment services
Outpatient detox services
Outpatient medically assisted treatment services (e.g. methadone, buprenorphine or naltrexone)
General outpatient addiction treatment services
Treatment Facility Operation
Privately owned
Payment & Insurance Policy
Accepts cash or self-payment
Accepts medicare
Accepts private health insurance plans (call center for specific plans accepted)
Other Treatment Services
Nicotine cessation treatment
Offers detox for alcohol
Detox for benzodiazepines
Offers detox for cocaine
Offers detox for methamphetamines
Offers detox for opioids
Offers individual counseling
Offers group counseling
Ages Accepted
Young adults ages 18 to 35
Adults ages 36 to 64
Genders Accepted
Language Services for the Disabled
ESL or non-English speaking individuals
Secondary Languages Offered
885 Buford Drive
Lawrenceville, GA, 30043
(678) 261-7671